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 We, the Ministers of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) from London, Ontario and area, feel called to address the recent act of terror which has shocked and wounded our city.   We grieve for the Afzaal family and #OurLondonFamily. This clear act of Islamophobia is antithetical to all in which we believe, for which we stand and for which we hope. Our Christian faith compels us to affirm that there is simply no place for hatred in God’s creation. 

As an anti-racist and pro-reconciling denomination, we condemn all acts of hatred and violence including those based on faith, on race, gender or sexual identity. We stand with those who are working and protesting for justice. As we commit to working towards that end in our own lives and communities every day, we personally pledge:

1.      To acknowledge that Islamophobia is a very real threat to the safety and well being of our Muslim sisters and brothers

2.      To educate ourselves as to the rich traditions of the Islamic faith

3.      To model to our fellow Christians a life in which love always conquers hatred

4.      To challenge voices of discord and fearmongering on social media or any other public format

5.      To identify and dismantle white privilege and work to counter white supremacy.

6.      To support all who are working to protect the safety, dignity and value of all of God’s children.

7.      To be proactive in demonstrating acts of kindness and solidarity with anyone who may be seen as different, and therefore who are vulnerable in our communities

We invite you to join in this pledge.

Rev. Ron Dakin

Rev. Rick Myer

Rev. Dr. Joseph Driskill

Rev. Gary Smith

Rev. Terry Tribe

Rev. Janet Anstead

Pastor Awit Marcelino